Lade Veranstaltungen

Artificial Intelligence, Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility

Challenges and Opportunities for Business and Society

The increasing use of AI powered technology is profoundly affecting businesses at various levels and across various sectors. This development increases efficiency and productivity, fuels expansion and innovation and reduces the workloads of routine tasks. The new technology is a transformative force that will redefine our societal norms, influence our business practices, production and trade, and shape our future. It will increase efficiency and affect the quality of work; it will change collaborative structures and power relations in organisations, eliminate business models and create new.

At the same time, the world is challenged by the evolving landscape of climate change and political transformations. Increasing public expectations and changing power relations are threatening the stability of international trade relations and supply chains, and businesses increasingly must deal with a multitude of societal expectations.

This annual EBEN conference 2025 will address these transformative forces in a conference theme track on opportunities and challenges for the AI transformation and in a general track on corporate responsibility. Klick here for further Information.

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